About Brown Booth Ltd | Brown Booth
Web Design

About Brown Booth Ltd

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Why choose us?
What makes us different?

Thought is something that happens all day everyday; it’s how we create concepts, engage in problem solving, it's how we reason and make decisions. It's what we all do naturally but if you hone in the power of thought, anything is possible. With our love of all things business, it's in our blood, it's what gets us out of bed, it really is our passion!

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Brown Booth Ring
It's Our Passion
Your unbeatable business partner

When you come on board with us we will truly put as much thought into your business as we do our own - what really gets us going is getting our hands dirty and diving into the trenches with you! It’s not uncommon for us both to be sending emails back and forth to each other in the middle of the night when we are so excited about an idea. The only annoying thing is that we have to wait until at least 8am before we can communicate with the client to share our ideas. So if you’re not worried about us getting any sleep then step on board and give us as many sleepless nights as you like.

Right Place, Right Time
Precisely Executing Strategies

Executing a strategy at the right time, place and in the right direction is key to drive your new marketing project past your competitors to accomplish dominance in your industry. The perfect strategy is the result of many decisions, and we will be there every step of the way. While execution is key, they also need constant monitoring to make sure we are always at the top of our game and in front of the competition.

Brown Booth Ring
Meet The Team
Who Are We?

Creative Director
Sebastian (Seb) Booth

From a young age I have loved everything about business and it’s become a major hobby of mine! I just get so excited taking an initial business idea through to getting it's first order and then the fun doesn’t stop there. A business is like a child; it needs constant nurturing while it grows through life. I get a real kick from being creative and thinking outside the box, don’t follow the sheep to the slaughterhouse, be a wolf and devour every last one of them!

Technical Director
Robert (Rob) Brown

From very early in my adult life and career I have worked in the IT sector. From managing small single server networks through to full scale networks and database environments. Microsoft qualified in securities and exchange; it wasn’t too difficult to make the migration over to the technical environment within the web industry. I take a consultative approach to all things technical I am very personable and always communicate with customers. I enjoy a challenge and the more technical the better.

Design Director
Jack Boddington

Working within the web industry is something that I always aspired to do. I took an apprenticeship as soon as I left school and worked with a local web design company whilst obtaining my pass results. Once I had finished college, I landed a full time job as a web designer and have not looked back. My journey has allowed me to grow in my technical abilities but also my eye for design. I very much enjoy making customers happy with designs that I have put together from scratch.

SEO & Marketing Manager
Phoebe (Phebs) Phelps

Digital marketing is something that I have been actively pursuing since leaving school. I have a very keen business interest in making a difference to a client’s web presence. Working with various industries, the formula is always the same ‘Get more customers’. It is very gratifying to be thanked for my work when a client starts seeing progress with their exposure with the search engines and within social media channels.

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    Brown Booth Ring