Fair Usage Policy | Brown Booth
Web Design

Fair Usage Policy

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Monthly Website Maintenance & Support

Fair Usage Policy


The company

Brown Booth Ltd is an incorporated business offering web services across multiple business sectors.

As well as our web design and digital marketing services we offer monthly support & maintenance packages to suit all size businesses.

Fair usage

This fair usage policy is intended for those customers paying a monthly support & maintenance fee to Brown Booth Ltd and our sister company Webrunners Ltd and is affective as of 01st September 2022.

Customers choosing to remain on an ad-hoc support & maintenance basis will be subject to an agreed hourly rate but will have no service level agreement in place. This also means that any support & maintenance, short of a website down issue, will be dealt with on a low priority and first come first served basis.

Our fair usage policy is quite straight forward, for every £10 +vat per month a customer pays, this will equate to 1 hour.

Example: If a client was paying £50 +vat per month then the fair usage policy will be set at 5 hours per month.

We may at times go over this fair usage policy but this will be at our own discretion and will very much depend on the nature of the issue/request.

There will be no top up option available to customers, this means that a client cannot simply request an additional number of hours at £10 +vat per hour to be added in any given month.

Any design and or development services required by a client that will cause a client to go over the fair usage policy, will be quoted for at the current prevailing hourly rate of £45 +vat per hour. This will in any case be notified prior to any additional hours being used.

There will be no ‘roll over’ of unused hours in any given month.

Fair usage terms

Brown Booth Ltd operate a fair usage policy in connection with its website maintenance and support offerings. This fair usage policy is set out to protect not just our customers but to also protect us as a business from overuse of resources.

Brown Booth Ltd calculate its fair usage policy based on a £10 +vat per hour basis.

Support definitions

Issue resolution

This will be unlimited in its use and will apply to website issues that are affecting the operation of a business owing to website functions not working such as contact forms. In the unlikely event of a website going offline this will be dealt with as a priority and will include out of hours issue resolution. This will not affect your allocated monthly hours.

Client caused issue resolution

This will form part of the fair usage policy in cases such as client carrying out updates on the website that causes the site to crash or be offline or affects the normal operation of the website. This will affect your allocated monthly hours.

Maintenance definitions

Ongoing admin maintenance

This will be unlimited in its use and will apply to website plugin updates and back up services on a monthly basis. This will not affect your allocated monthly hours.

Website updates and maintenance

This will form part of the fair usage policy in cases where we have been instructed to carry out content and or minor layout changes to the website. This will affect your allocated monthly hours.

This does not include the following:

  • Additional functionality development
  • Search Engine Optimisation enhancements
  • Full website re-write/re-design

The above three points, if requested, will be quoted for on a project basis.


Brown Booth Ltd will deploy a software system to track all customers paying for monthly support & maintenance and will track time against each client.

Our software has the capabilities of reporting on resource usage detail. Reports can be provided to clients as and when requested.